Thursday, 19 July 2018

Research of Institutions : Youtube

YouTube was created in 2005, and is a video sharing service. The company is now a subsidiary of Google. YouTube was founded by  Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim.
The main selling point of YouTube was that the content was from both corporations and individuals, and you could subscribe to particular channels to see their content first.

YouTube has been rated as the second most popular website on the internet. The use of YouTube has grown exponentially, and the site has featured the first ever live coverage of a sporting event over the internet, for free.
YouTube went through an aesthetic change in 2011, when the company chose to change their entire interface and make a much sleeker design. This lead to a huge uptake in usage for the website.
Left: What YouTube looked like on 28th August 2005
Note viewer number:
Featured video no.1 - 37

Nowadays, YouTube is dominated by Gaming channels and Music channels. YouTube holds the music videos for all popular songs, and most artists have a YouTube channel that is linked to their Vevo, a platform dedicated to music videos. The most viewed videos of the present are music videos, such as 'Despacito'.
Left: YouTube on 19th July 2018
Note the view numbers:
Despactio - 5.3billion

User Statistics
Gender of Audience - 62% male, 32% female
37% of 18-34 are watching YouTube regularly
Women most commonly watch beauty channels, whereas men mainly watch gaming or sports channels.

One of the key selling point of YouTube is it's content creators. 'Youtubers' are modern day celebrities. A user will watch a specific video because of who made it, or the style of it. This links to Gauntlett's theories of identity. A user will be attracted to a personality that they relate to, as it will help them to build their own identity.

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