Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Calvin Harris – This is what we came for ft. Rihanna Research

Begins with establishing shot of a beach landscape. Cuts to various landscapes which provide a range of styles but share the joint theme of the cube.

Lighting changes constantly. Clothes are shiny and sophisticated, representing her as stylish and colourful.
Uses long shot, Medium shot, close up to give the feeling of zoomig without actually zooming in.
High angle with artist staring into camera. Makes the video seem more personal, helps to develop the representations portrayed.
Camera remains on Model as the background of the club comes towards her. This aims to keep Rihanna at the centre of attention and signify her importance
Tracking shot as Rihanna walks toward camera and out of the club
Over the shoulder shots suggest sexuality and flirtations behaviour.
Dancing shots of Rihanna only. Rihanna is represented as a traditional sophisticated female. She is sexualised and beautified.
Especially in the chorus, The ASL is incredibly short, showing many different shots of Rihanna dancing. Handheld camera makes the video seem more personal and relatable o the TA.
Seemingly random shot of a sports car aims to further relate to the target audience. Rihanna is sexualised to appeal to a male audience, and the sports car relates to traditional male stereotypes.
Uses both the light box and the car as projection backgrounds.
Makes gestures at the camera as if it were a person, further personifies the TA
Uses the colour test card and longshots of production gear to create a self-aware style that makes this video slightly postmodern.
Look psychedelic with the use of lighting and movement. 

This video is firmly within the dance genre and features many conventions of said genre. Because of this, the video is very good to reference in making your own, as it has many of the things you would need in it.
On the other hand, this video as a very high budget and uses many effects to portray the message of the video. It uses a large walk-in Light box, and a projector to create the scenery, whilst using a sports care and projector to add difference and reference to the audience. Because of the size and costs of these effects, i would not be able to recreate them.

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