1864 – James Clerk Maxwell theorized that electromagnetic waves could travel through air. His theory was proved by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
1894 - Guglielmo Marconi Built the first commercially successful wireless telegraphy machine that used Hertzian waves. These could only transmit around half a mile away.
1897- The first radio station was founded by Marconi on the Isle of Wight.
1900 – First Transmission of the human voice. This was over 5 miles.
1906 – First transmission of AM Radio.
1920 – First Radio News and Entertainment Broadcast1921 – First coverage of a sporting event.
1923 – First Licensing Fees were collected by record companies.
1920s – People Began experimenting with picture and created rudimentary televisions.
1933 – FM Radio was patented by Edwin Armstrong.
1947- Mobile Telephone Broadcasts were commercialized. You could now make phone calls with a landline.
1948 – FM Radio reached Germany.
1954 – First pocket transistor radio.
1963 – First radio satellite launched.
1970s – LORAN became the world's biggest radio navigation system.
1993 – First internet radio talk show.
1995 – DAB Broadcasting (Digital Radio) was launched.